Conscious Medicine Introduction – 11.5.19

What you will learn

Bodhi Medicine is one of the most refined and scientific approaches to the human body. It allows each individual to understand what Health really means.

Through Bodhi Medicine we understand what the body is saying with any symptom or disease. Therefore become more conscious and caring of our body and the people around us.

In Conscious Medicine you will learn how emotional & psychological events you experience in life affect the physical body, and how the body helps you to overcome these situations with its natural physiological responses.

The body normally manifests the effort to come back to balance. He does that through symptoms in a specific area.
Conscious Medicine helps you to come out of the fear-based concept of Disease. To reconnect with your intrinsic trust and understanding of how your body heals itself, when we give it the right support.

In this two hours information evening you will learn solid principles. Those are a great support for any practitioner of bodywork, energy work, nutrition, psychology, meditation, traditional allopathic doctors or for anyone interested  in:

  • knowing what their body is saying with each symptom
  • and how to prevent disease from occurring

You will learn essential principles that will transform the way you see your body, health, dis-ease and life itself.


Samstag 11.5.19

Informationsabend per Zoom über Leinwand im schönen Bärwolfhaus Seminarraum oder von zu Hause aus.

19.30 – 22.00 Uhr 


Bärwolfhaus, Dorfstrasse 20c, 3232 Ins


Dr. Nirdosh Kohra

Nirdosh teaches these workshops based on his personal experience of more than 13 years.

Working with Allopathic Medicine, Meditation, Neurosomatic Rebalancing, Naturopathy, Conscious Nutrition and many other methods of Alternative Medicine.

Everything that he teaches is based on extensive scientific research by Medical and Holistic doctors around the world.

Beitrag, Richtpreis:


CHF 20.- bis 30.- 

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This event will be held in English.